Home » My 8 Go-To Podcasts While Traveling

My 8 Go-To Podcasts While Traveling

As I’ve mentioned before, I used to travel for work CONSTANTLY. Most weeks consisted of me on 2-5 flights, so there was plenty of time for me to read, write, and listen to music. After awhile though, my flights got earlier and I felt like a snob turning my overhead light on to read at 6am when everyone was trying to sleep. That and my Spotify playlists were getting super stale and old. Quite frankly, I was so bored sitting upright in my plane seat with nothing to do.

About two years ago my favorite Bachelor star Becca Tilley started her podcast “Scrubbing In.” I listened to the first episode and was hooked! I started downloading her episodes and then started browsing through all the different podcasts that were out there! I was mindblown. How did I miss this medium before? I loved the pop culture ones (especially those revolving around reality TV), inspirational ones, and from time to time business-y ones that I can learn from. Without further ado, here are my top 8 podcasts that I listen to at 40,000 ft.

  1. Scrubbing In With Becca Tilley & Tanya Rad

Becca Tilley, Bachelor contestant, and her best friend/co-host Tanya Rad, On Air with Ryan Seacrest, host interesting guests and offer so many laughs each and every week. Grey’s Anatomy superfans (hence the ‘Scrubbing In’ in the title) will love this podcast! But if you’re like me and haven’t seen a single episode since Denny Duquette died (RIP) you will still love this show! The ladies discuss relationships, friendships, and answer listeners questions with advice. It’s sincerely like spending one day a week with your best friends!

2. Off The Vine with Kaitlyn Bristowe

It may be another Bachelor inspired podcast, but Kaitlyn talks about so much more than her two stints on reality TV. Conversations flow effortlessly with her guests and its evident that wine is always present! Kaitlyn does an excellent job finding a variety of different guests, from dream interpreters, businesswomen, her boyfriend Jason, and much more! Each episode promises candid conversation, going a bit too far, and vulnerability. If you want to feel empowered, tune into her podcast! (Heads up, she does podcast 3x a week so you may want to just download the ones that interest you!)

3. LadyGang Podcast

I cannot get enough of this podcast, seriously! I’ve probably listened to every single episode they’ve put out. You may have heard of the Lady Gang after their brief TV series on E! Network last year. The TV show centered around their podcast, but I was hooked way before that. The Lady Gang – Keltie Knight, Jan Vanek, and Becca Tobin interview a new celebrity guest each week and have raw and honest conversation with them. They also answer listeners questions each week and give arguably terrible advice, but hey, it keeps you laughing! The chemistry and collaboration these three ladies have is off the charts and their podcasts flow with structure. I’ve had tears streaming down my face on planes before from laughing so hard.

4. How Men Think

This podcast has rocked my world as a 20-something year old! Ever want to get inside your boyfriends mind or do you constantly wonder what your guy friends are thinking? This will answer all your questions! I’ve learned so much about the male species from these 5 podcast hosts! Each week the men discuss topics about relationships, having kids, marriage, sex, and so much more. While I can’t relate to being a man, I’ve gained so much insight from this podcast and it’s helped me to be more empathetic toward some of my best guy friends.

5. Girls Gotta Eat

This podcast can get a bit raunchy but it is so good! All my past coworkers used to recommend this podcast to me but it wasn’t until recently that I finally gave it a chance. Rayna Greenberg and Ashley Hesseltine co-host this weekly show and discuss all sort of topics. You truly never know what you are going to get with these two. They discuss dating stories, one-night stands, their travels together and so much more! My jaw drops at some of the things they say, but I can’t say I haven’t learned a thing or two…

6. The Bitch Bible

There have been times while listening to Jackie Schimmel that I have literally had to climb out of my window seat and make my way to the plane’s bathroom to avoid looking like a lunatic. By far, I laugh the hardest at this podcast. Jackie is unlike anyone you will ever meet in your life and you’ll be wishing she was your best friend. Basically she voices out loud every thought she has and some are just downright not OK. She is bitchy, unfiltered and a little bit of a loose cannon. Her episodes revolve around marriage, reality TV, pop culture and her rants. While there is little to no structure with this podcast, it feels like you are sitting in a couch, drinking wine and gossiping with your best friend. I promise you, it’s a good time!

7. The Goal Digger Podcast

If you’ve ever thought about starting a career in blogging or utilizing Instagram, you have inevitably heard of this podcast host: Jenna Kutcher. Her podcast is all about creating your dream job, making money online and growing your following. This podcast has been a godsend to me after quitting my 52 hour a week corporate job. I don’t necessarily listen to every single episode, more so pick and choose which ones feel relevant to me, but I can guarantee anyone who needs a little boost will love this podcast. She dives into productivity tips, business hacks and hosts guests who have accomplished their goals and are living out their dreams. This podcast will inspire you!

8. Rise Podcast

I’m putting this on the list, but I won’t lie I’ve only listened to maybe 5 episodes of this podcast! Rachel Hollis, author or Girl Wash Your Face and Girl, Stop Apologizing, is the host of this podcast. I loved her books so I just knew I would love her podcast as well! Something about Rachel Hollis is just so inspiring to me. She makes me feel like I can do anything I set my mind to. Throughout her show, she gives tips and tricks on how to succeed in life and business. For someone who doesn’t really have a clue what is next, this podcast has helped me to brainstorm where I see myself in the upcoming years. It’ll leave you wanting to hop off the plane and start working toward your life goals!

I’m always looking for more podcasts to listen to! Which ones are your current go to’s?
