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If you follow along on Run Away With Kay, you know it is my mission to try out all the coffees around the world. I’ve done coffee crawls in several different states and countries (Turkey was the best!) But let’s be real, sometimes I am not traveling. When I’m not on the road seeing a new place, I am curled up on my couch with my favorite Colombian blend from Death Wish Coffee.
When I decided to become an entrepreneur, no one prepared me for the days where you just feel in a rut. You don’t want to do any of the tasks on your plate. You don’t necessarily feel like showing up for meetings. Or your bed just feels extra comfortable that day. Have you been there?
When these days happen, my Death Wish Coffee gives me the energy and the boost I need to get the day started. Sometimes you just need to tell yourself you have 5 minutes to do a task, and the motivation will come! I am able to shake off the sluginess that I feel and dive right in. I have never found a coffee that makes me feel more alert and awake without the jitters.
I have been a coffee drinker since the age of 20 and now I just feel so much comfort starting my day off with a good ol’ cup of joe. I found myself spending so much time and money on Starbucks these last few months. Since my goal is to buy a home this year, I really wanted to save all my pennies so I started researching different ways to make coffee at home. I stumbled upon Death Wish and I’ve never gone back.
This blend tastes delicious both iced and hot (which is rare) and it’s super strong! I like to make lattes with it and really romanticize the coffee making process in the morning to start my days off on the right foot. (It should be noted, all the flavored creamers blend super well with this Colombian blend if you’re more of a sweet coffee drinker.)
Any time I start my day with Death Wish, I feel I hit my peak performance! I get so much client work done and I’m hyper focused on the deadlines I have. From my morning routine to an afternoon pick-me-up, this bold brew has my back (with double the strength). I’ll usually drink a cup right after my morning walk and then again when the 3pm slump hits me. I’m curious if you can drink coffee in the afternoons or if it keeps you up all night! Comment down below and let me know!
Plus, if you’d like to see me get ALL the things done while drinking Death Wish, head over to Instagram to see a full day in the life of me, a female entrepreneur. And let me know what your favorite Death Wish blend is if you’ve tried them before! I’m so excited to try out the different flavors and implement this brand into my life.. for life!