Meet Kaylie Ricks | CEO of Run Away with Kay, LLC

Previously featured on Shoutout Arizona! We had the good fortune of connecting with Kaylie Ricks and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Kaylie! Can you walk us through the thought-process of starting your business?
To be honest, starting and running my own business was never an intentional plan I had for my life. After graduating college and jumping right into a corporate career, I used my first job experience to really understand my work ethic better. I also took note of what fulfilled me and what drained me.
When I decided, amid the pandemic, to launch my own business I tapped into what was most important to me – and that was helping female entrepreneurs succeed! I worked in a male-dominated industry and watched several women get passed over for promotions. This did not sit well with me and honestly sparked a fire within me. With this “why” in mind, everything flowed pretty naturally for me as I began the beginning stages of my business. The thought was simply to help as many women as possible.
To this day, my business has helped 20+ women succeed in their goals, become the breadwinner of their homes, and break the glass ceiling. I knew the “there has got to be more to life” feelings I had were valid. And now I, thankfully, know exactly what my purpose is. I’m so grateful I have a business that makes this sustainable.
Each morning I wake up excited to get out of bed and work with the female-owned businesses I have the privilege of helping. I never imagined this would be my path and I don’t take it for granted. Helping dream-driven entrepreneurs achieve their goals and build strong online communities through copywriting and social media, all while recognizing their potential, is my business. It’s my baby. I wouldn’t change anything about the path that got me exactly where I am today.

Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
As I mentioned before, my business is sincerely all about promoting other women’s businesses by communicating with their audiences in the most effective way possible. I offer marketing services, such as copywriting, content creation, and social media management. Essentially, I am an online business manager for entrepreneurs wanting to keep leads and customers warm while generating an income. I take the stress off of my client’s plates so they can focus on the tasks they are good at. And not have to worry about every single aspect of their job.
I think what sets me apart most is how much I care about my clients. They quickly become my family members. My business is not for one-time transactions, it’s for relationship building. I know my clients down to their core – I know their fears, what their husbands names are, what the big, scary goals they have for themselves are… all the things! I truly care and desire for them to succeed. And I’m insanely proud of the results I’ve been able to help deliver. One of my clients went from making $30,000 a year to $110,000 after just one year of working with me. Not only is having a larger revenue impressive but being able to give them back their precious time, weekends, etc. means the world to me! Finding a balance is important for my life. I try to preach this to my clients as well.
Personally, what I am most proud and excited about is building a sustainable business that allows me to live a full life. I have to pinch myself most days because I can’t believe how unbelievably blessed I am. At the age of 27, I’ve had the privilege of checking all 50 states and numerous countries off my bucket-list. I believe travel is how you experience all that life has to offer you. Therefore, I make it my mission to do it often.
With my business, travel is a nonnegotiable. I love having the flexibility to work hard and play hard at the same time. I am most proud of myself for creating a business that makes this possible and am extremely grateful that I have clients that understand my boundaries and trust me to get my tasks done so I can fully unplug. To read more about my business challenges and struggles, I was able to do an awesome interview earlier with Voyage Phoenix. We dove into this big time!
I want the world to know that everyone’s definition of success is different. I think it’s important to evaluate what success means to you. That is one of the biggest lessons I learned last year. Maybe success to you is making six figures or maybe it’s having more time to travel or spend time with family and friends. Whatever it is, define it and then do everything in your power to live abundantly so you can have no regrets. If I can help you achieve the dreams you have for yourself in any way, I am always down for a conversation! Getting rid of a scarcity mindset is something I had to learn along the way, and I wish more people could truly fathom how powerful and deserving of success they are!

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
I love this question! Mainly because Phoenix, AZ is one of the best places to visit! If a friend was visiting for an entire week, I would be sure to bring them to all the coffee shops and take at least one hike.
For coffee, we would definitely hit up Cafe Mollie, Ruze Cake House, and Luci’s at the Orchard. Next would be brunch which would 100% be spent at Hash Kitchen for their food and cute drinks. I think it’s important to tap into how outdoorsy and nature-filled Arizona is so hiking Camelback or Piestawa/Squaw Peak is a must!
(To view more recommendations, click the “Local” tab on my blog above)
For Happy Hour, we would be taking full advantage of Joyride Tacos or Diego Pops menu. Have you tried their brussel sprouts nachos!? I mean come on! I also am a full believer in Phoenix having some of the best sunsets so driving up South Mountain to take in the panoramic view of downtown would be a necessity. Some of the most fun and interesting things to do out here is truthfully lacing up your shoes and getting into nature.
We have so many amazing things to see in town from zoos to botanical gardens and mountains to climb. I think, as a local, we oftentimes forget to appreciate how fun and beautiful where we live truly is. It’s important to explore our backyard more often!

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
Oh my goodness – so many people! The first person that comes to mind is my good friend, Madison Anaya. I truly feel God placed her in my life at the perfect moment. When I was starting out in entrepreneurship, it was very lonely. To be honest, everyone warns you that it will be. However, no one can truthfully prepare you for the loneliness you might feel. My business is run out of my home so I was constantly working by myself and being 100% self taught.
Madison invited me to a retreat in Florida to connect with other female entrepreneurs and that transformed my business entirely. I went from having no one to bounce ideas off of to having a group of 10 strong, independent and badass women. Women who wanted the best for me and those who went out of their way to support me. Community is everything in entrepreneurship. The community she has started was my rock throughout the beginning stages of my business. And still is to this day!
Then, of course, having supportive family and friends means the world to me too! If I started naming books or podcasts that I can attribute my success to, we would be here all day! There are so many good ones. To name a few, The Skinny Confidential Him & Her Podcast has been great for my business. Regarding books, “Set Boundaries, Find Peace: A Guide to Reclaiming Yourself” by Nedra Glover Tawwab has been pivotal for me. As I quickly learned setting boundaries was a weakness I had. I could truthfully go on and on.

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